Organ Transplant Treatment

Organ Transplant Treatment

In recent years, India has emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism, particularly for multi-organ transplants. This popularity stems from the country’s provision of top-tier medical services at significantly lower costs, advanced hospital facilities equipped with cutting-edge technology, minimal waiting times, and access to highly skilled transplant surgeons. At HikariSpark, we specialize in offering comprehensive Multi-Organ Transplant Packages, covering vital organ transplants such as Kidney or Renal, liver, lung, corneal, bone marrow, and cadaver transplants.

Our packages are designed to provide a seamless experience for patients, including air travel arrangements, comfortable hotel accommodations, surgery costs, specialist consultations, medication, and the dedicated services of our professional staff, all at affordable prices. Trust HikariSpark to facilitate your journey towards renewed health and vitality through our expertly crafted multi-organ transplant packages.

We maintained the focus on the advantages of medical tourism in India and emphasized the inclusivity and affordability of your multi-organ transplant packages. 

Treatments NameNo of Ward daysProcedure Cost (USD)Procedure Cost (INR)
Kidney Transplant for Unrelated Donor and RecipientDonor-10 days in multiple bed; Recepient- 14 days in Single Room10000610000
Bone Marrow TransplantDepend on the type of bone marrow transplant40000 to 500002300000 to 2900000
Liver Transplant SurgeryDepends upon the treatment45000 to 550003000000 to 3600000
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